Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away--Anon

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Self Portrait Challenge: May week 1

Time for May's Self Portrait Challenge. This is my first time to do this sort of work, I'm not very easy about being in front of the camera! So this is forcing me to be open and vulnerable!

The challenge for May - is street photography - with YOU in it.
Capture yourself somehow, somewhere on the street.
With or without others around or others in the photo frame.
You could ask someone else to press the shutter for you
or carry around your tripod - whatever you do it has to
have a ’street photography’ vibe to it.
What is that you ask - well Amy Stein says that
good street photography should be voyeuristic,
immediate, and uncomfortably intimate.
It is also often thought to need to be ironic
and distanced from its subject matter,
concentrating on a single human moment,
caught at a decisive or poignant moment.
Street photography usually utilises landscape format
wide angle lense - to allow more action in the picture,
to capture more than one main story.
It is a type of documentary photography
but it is in public places and captures an
immediacy and frankness that is thought to be very human.

So taking that all into consideration, my view was a girl, searching for a dream while she wonders down the road. She stops to take a breath of fresh air and contemplate her life.

I hope you enjoy it! :)


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