Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away--Anon

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Road Trip.........Self portrait challenge: street week 3

Wow! Its Tuesday already?! As you all know, Tuesday is the magic day for me to post my SPC series for the week! Street photography for this week was taken this weekend on a trip to visit family! I was sitting in the back of my car with my daughter, who was happily watching the DVD player and not wanting to talk to me, when I decided to snap this photo.

I felt very lonely on this trip. Lots of country side (which I will share later), and bad music on the Ipod! I felt like the road was just zooming by, yet time just stood still in the car.

Thanks for letting me share!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

oh, do I know how that feels, most of the time that stinks, but a lot of times I love to sit and watch the country scenery go by as I think to myself quietly, thats the only time I have to myself really. Nice shot really tells that you look bored.